Neck Excercises

Incorrect posture strains ligaments and muscles of the neck and leads to neck pain. For example, wrong sitting posture, incorrect sleeping, or lifting weight leads to stiffness and pain in the neck. In addition, cervical spondylosis (a disease of wear and tear that affects most people after 50 years) can cause neck pain in some people. Disc degeneration in spondylosis can lead to pressure on nerves leading to pain, tingling, and numbness in shoulders, arms, and fingers. All neck pain will usually reduce in a few days and subside within 2-3 months.

Sitting posture must be straight though relaxed. If you have to sit for prolonged periods, take a short break every hour. Intermittent exercise for a few minutes or a light massage can significantly reduce neck pain. A neck collar is not advisable for minor neck pains as it can weaken neck muscles and delay healing. Spine surgery is usually not indicated in most cases of neck pain.

Neck Exercise

See general instructions about exercise

Sit in any relaxed position with head, neck, and back in one line.

Neck Excercise 1
Relax your neck muscles. Bend your head slowly to the right, bringing your right ear as close as possible to the right shoulder without turning your head or lifting the shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds. Come back to the original position and repeat on the left side. Repeat ten times.
Neck Excercise 2
Place your right hand on your right ear while keeping your neck straight and press your head on hand without bending your neck. Repeat on the left side.
Neck Excercise 3 & 4
Move your head as far back as possible (backward bending). Hold for some time and return to the original position.
Move your head forward while exhaling and try to touch your chin to chest (forward bending). Hold for some time and return to the original position.
Neck Excercise 5
Interlock both your hands and keep them on your forehead. Press your head gently on them while keeping your neck straight.
Neck Excercise 6
Keep your interlocked hands on the back of your head and press your head on them.
Neck Excercise 7
Turn your head to the right while exhaling so that the chin is in line with your shoulder. Hold for some time and come back to the original position. Then, repeat the same exercise on the left.
Neck Excercise 8
Sit in an erect position and relax your shoulders. Take a deep breath and lift both your shoulders as much as you can. Hold for some time and bring them down while exhaling.


Bhujangasan, Niralambasan, Parvatasan, Makarasan and Bramha mudra are some of the asanas that help in reducing neck pain.

Those who have neck pain should not do Shirshasan.

Danger signals in Neck Pain (Consult your doctor at the earliest)

  1. Recent severe injury
  2. Increasing pain, especially at a young age
  3. Nerve compression – tingling, numbness, and weakness of upper or lower limbs, loss of control over urination.
  4. Malaise, weight loss, fever
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